Level: Low Tech


We live in a world where we are not safe! If we forget our devices unlocked, any person can install anything and control it through the internet. Attendees will see how I built a Malware which can control cell phone devices using WebSockets from any place of the world. They will also learn techniques for preventing this kind of application and attack.

We’ll take a look at the following topics:

  • What is malware?
  • Communication Protocols
  • How to build any application with no previous knowledge
  • Real applications I built using Operating System’s APIs

In this talk, I’ll show a few applications I built showing practices of Offensive Programming techniques. These applications are created for fun but would be used for real scenarios and tips for preventing security problems.


Erick Wendel is a Keynote Speaker, Lead Software Architect and community Co-organizer in Brazil. Named by Microsoft as Most Valuable Professional, and by Google as Google Developer Expert, a specialist in Node.js and Javascript Applications. He is an Independent Solutions Architect who helps companies to make better and cheaper applications using Serverless architectures, Container-based applications, and Hybrid Cloud solutions. He has experience speaking and teaching at the biggest conferences in Brazil and the Americas, working as voluntary Leader of NodeBR, Javascript São Paulo and Nerdzão Communities.



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